K-8 Mathematics
Build Teacher Clarity – Understanding Georgia Standards for Excellence, and Learning Progression
Equip teachers with NCTM’s Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices to design learning experiences where students can develop & use Standards for Mathematics Practices
Support schools and teachers in their purposeful implementation of high-impact instructional strategies and practices.
*All courses are currently in progress or completed for this school year. New registrations will open in late spring.
Problem Solving and Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices
Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices for School Leaders
Instructional Coaches’ Academy
Advanced Math Collaboration
Fraction Course: Fractions, Decimals, and Proportional Reasoning
* All workshops and webinars are either in progress or completed for this school year. Feel free to email to schedule district/school level support.
Number Talks and Beyond
Georgia Numeracy Project Virtual Training
Making Sense of Digital Learning
Effective Teaching Practices for School Leaders
Special Projects
Instructional Continuum Planning and Assessments
Web Resources
GaDOE Virtual PL Sessions (New 2020-2021 and free! Register to attend live sessions and view pre-recorded session.)
Number Strings – Number Talks Resources
Downey Unified School District – CGI Resources

Seyoung Holte, Director
(706)742-8292 ext. 266