Professional Development
Tamara Byars, Director of Professional Learning
706.742.8292 ext. 237
Maude Todd, Administrative Assistant
706.742.8292 ext. 207

The Professional Learning Department plans, coordinates, and delivers all courses, workshops, endorsements, and training events of Northeast Georgia Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA). The Professional Learning Department offers regularly scheduled courses as well as on-request training events and custom-designed training to meet individual school and system needs. Northeast Georgia RESA is committed to building the capacity of educators in the region through courses, workshops, consortium, and other activities. Endorsements are offered in ESOL, Gifted, Computer Science, Reading, K-5 Math, K-5 Science, Online-Teaching and Teacher Leader. Other custom-designed professional learning opportunities are conducted based on system and school requests meeting the unique goals and needs of the individual school system and/or schools.