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The Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) is designed to help districts, schools, and teachers make informed, data-driven decisions to improve student learning. SLDS is a free application that is accessed via a link in the district’s Student Information System (SIS). It provides districts, schools, and teachers with access to historical data, including Assessments, Attendance, Enrollment, Courses, and Grades beginning with the 2006-2007 school year.





The Learning Object Repository (LOR) is designed to store, share, and catalog resources using a metadata schema. The LOR acts as a digital library of educational content. Georgia’s LOR is designed to share learning objects through Teacher Resource Link (TRL).





The Teacher Resource Link (TRL) is an application that delivers vetted and aligned digital resources to Georgia’s teachers. TRL is accessible via the GaDOE “tunnel” in conjunction with SLDS using the single sign-on process. The content is aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and National Education Technology Standards (NETS) and pushed to teachers based on course schedule. Using TRL, teachers are able to assign digital resources to students based upon the student’s performance on an assessment or by searching for aligned resources by grade, subject, and standard. Resources found in TRL include Georgia Virtual School course content, NSDL, Thinkfinity, GaDOE subject frameworks, and additional teacher-aligned, vetted digital links. Digital content is available for most subjects in grades K-12.

Resources are categorized into student and teacher resources during the search phase. TRL allows a teacher to search for resources aligned to a standard for student consumption or for teacher-directed usage. In addition, TRL provides a folders feature allowing teachers to save, assign, and store resources from year to year, school to school.



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Submit a Training Request Form for your District or School, and a GaDOE trainer will contact you to schedule FREE training.


Northeast Georgia Regional Educational Service Agency, 375 Winter Street, Winterville, GA 30683 *All Rights Reserved

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